型号: LM2575SX-ADJ
系列: LM2575-N
厂家: Texas Instruments/德州仪器
产品描述:集成电路IC 开关稳压器
输入电压: 40 V
开关频率: 52 kHz
输出电压: 可调
输出电流: 1 A
电源电压输入范围: 4V-40V
安装风格: SMD/SMT/贴片
供应商标准封装: TO-263-5
品牌: Texas Instruments
工作温度范围: - 40 C to + 85 C
封装类型: Reel/卷盘
The 74HC/HCT4094 are high-speed Si-gate CMOS
devices and are pin compatible with the “4094” of the
“4000B” series. They are specified in compliance with
JEDEC standard no. 7A.
The 74HC/HCT4094 are 8-stage serial shift registers
having a storage latch associated with each stage for
strobing data from the serial input (D) to the parallel
buffered 3-state outputs (QP0 to QP7). The parallel outputs
may be connected directly to common bus lines.
Data is shifted on the positive-going clock (CP) transitions
3.3V, R2 = 1.7k5V, R2 = 3.1k
12V, R2 = 8.84k
15V, R2 = 11.3k
For ADJ. Version
R1 = Open, R2 = 0Ω
Pin numbers are for the TO-220 package.
工厂包装数量: 500
备注:深圳市勤思达科技有限公司长期供应集成电路IC LM2575SX-ADJ
开关稳压管LM2575SX-ADJ,原装,厂家直销 品质保证,欢迎广大客户朋友咨询洽谈。