General DescriptionThe MICRF211 is a general purpose, 3V QwikRadioReceiver that operates at 433.92MHz with typicalsensitivity of -110dBm.The MICRF211 functions as a super-heterodynereceiver for OOK and ASK modulation up to 10kbps.The down-conversion mixer also provides imagerejection. All post-detection data filtering is provided onthe MICRF211. Any one-of-four filter bandwidths maybe selected externally by the user in binary steps, from1.25kHz to 10kHz. The user need only configure thedevice with a set of easily determined values, basedupon data rate, code modulation format, and desiredduty-cycle operation
Features••••••••–110 dBm sensitivity, 1kbps and BER 10E-02Image Rejection MixerFrequency from 380MHz to 450MHzLow power, 6.0mA @ 433.92MHz, continuous ondata rates to 10kbps (Manchester Encoded)Analog RSSI OutputNo IF filter requiredExcellent selectivity and noise rejectionLow external part count
To calculate the matching values, one needs to knowthe input impedance of the device. Table 4 shows theinput impedance of the MICRF211 and suggestedmatching values for the most used frequencies. Thesesuggested values may be different if the layout is notexactly the same as the one made here.